Friday, December 31, 2010

Is there a cure to stop diarrhea fast? Yes there is!

Why am I posting this? Because I WANT TO HELP to those people who doesn't have enough money to buy DIATABS or whatsoever. I am going to share what I've experienced before I persuade you guys to do what I just did.

At first, I just don't care how my stomach hurts. I just go to the bathroom and poop poop poop the thing out of my stomach! Until there is a time that it won't poop anymore, but it poops something which is like saliva or white slimy thing. It's like, there is something inside your stomach that is really irritating and you keep on going to the bathroom to poop but there's nothing coming out except for that slimy thing. I was so worried about that. And I just asked my relatives on what to do. They said that I should chew the leaves of the guava. Not the huge dark greenish leaf, but the small one with light green in color. I was so afraid to do that because I didn't even grow up here in the Philippines just to try that! I was raised by my parents with medicine, not natural medicine like leaves haha. So after 6 hours or I think 5 hours of agony, I decided to chew that! My relatives were like laughing at me because I kept on going to the bathroom every 5 minutes or 10 minutes. And so? Who cares? Its my stomach that matters! So yeah, I tried their recommendation. When I got a leaf, they said that a leaf won't do anything. So I went back to the backyard and got 6 leaves or 7. Then I chewed them all. They also told me not to swallow the leaves, but to absorb the leaves' juice. It tastes so bitter like I was about to spit them out! But they said that its just like that. Its like a papaya which cures diabetes, unlike sugar which tastes so sweet but causes diabetes.

Try it guys! Don't be afraid! Because I tried it :D. And it is effective! Well I hope it is effective to you guys, because for me it is. Don't worry because you wont die from it, just try! You won't lose anything, but of course your diarrhea will be lost when you try my recommendation. Good luck guys!

What is a computer?

Let us define and explain what a computer is.

A computer is an electronic device or machine that manipulates data, process, store, and retrieve data. We can use the computer to store lots of information by just opening the Microsoft Word and type the necessary information you need. You can also put some notes on the notepad. The computer is an amazing device because it can almost do everything like playing 3D games, playing 2D games, playing the music with its built-in speakers, etc etc. The computer is like our brain but its memory is better than ours. Unlike the computer, our brain only consumes information which are to be forgotten someday and some information aren't to be forgotten. The computer, stores every information without forgetting it. But the problem with the computers are viruses. These viruses can cause your computer to destroy itself, examples are; unexpected deletion of stored information, sudden shut-down, transfers files from the internet without noticing, having your computer download something that is unnoticeable, etc. That is why anti-viruses were discovered.

From my experience:
Computers are the best devices to be used at home! It kills your boredom especially when you don't know what to do with your 3 hour break at school. Just go home and play some games online! Or make some funny stories of what you had been doing recently like jumping off a roof 7 feet high, climbing at your neighborhood's tree just to get your dog up there wanting some apples to eat, etc etc. You can also use programs like adobe photoshop for making fun with your friends' pictures! But most of the time, I spend every minute of my life with online games. I love playing games, really. I would never live my life without playing games. My mom usually scolds me every time she sees me playing from 6PM until 9AM. I am like, "Whaaat? Am I doing something bad? Am I watching porn? NO! I'm not even swearing while playing(that's when I was a high school student)! And besides, it's a weekend. Why would she scold me for no reason? I'm just spending my time enjoying with games." So yeah, computer is the best thing for me. I mean, one of the best :D. Whoever discovered computer in this world, I'd love to thank him so much for making our LIFE EASY! And Bill Gates? Yeah he's my idol in making the Microsoft company because every game I play are all Microsoft. And it's totally cool! Love it! Thanks discoverers of computers! :D

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Which is better? Commute? Use a motorcycle? Or use a car?

For me that question is difficult. My parents have 2 cars, my brother has 1 car and is planning to buy a big bike someday, and I have an underbone motorcycle(school service).

Since this is Tagaytay City, the climate here is cold and I love using my motorcycle frequently. I use my service every time I want to stroll at day and at night with my huge jacket made of pure cotton and gloves. I also use this when I go to school especially when I'm late. There are times that I'm so irritated to jeepney drivers because they drive so slow like so SLOW. I am like "HEY CAN YOU PLEASE DRIVE A LITTLE BIT FASTER?" and they just kept slowing even I keep pressing the horn. That's if I am late hehe :). So yeah that's the advantage of a motorcycle. You can swerve in opposite lanes if the roads are clear, the gasoline is really efficient, it's super fun, and it's fast. Since it is mountainous in here, I get a 32 kilometers per liter of gas. But the disadvantage of a motorcycle is that it's 100% risky,you can't use it during rainy seasons, and its comfortability lacks.

Unlike cars, we are comfortable using it because it is 4-wheeled vehicle meaning we don't have to balance like for the motorcycles. We can even sleep inside the car if ever we don't have a place to stay like you're going to visit in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. But the thing is, the number 1 enemy using a car is the traffic and gasoline. If you're rich, then why get problematic about gasoline? Let's just say that, the traffic will make you bored and impatient. The traffic here in the Philippines is like hell especially in Manila. It's like there are always accidents happening that causes the traffic. But really, there aren't. Maybe there are at times, but not always. Imagine yourself in the middle of a traffic and you want to pooh because you ate something expired of date. Imagine ...... errrr so irritating haha. I don't want to poop inside my car, NO WAY!

How about we compare "commute" to those of services we use like cars and motorcycles? Hmmm well the advantage of commuting is the safety like cars do and comfortability but lacks of privacy like when you're scratching your ass because it's itchy. But let me just say that, commuting is the best part of service because you spend your money less. That's my opinion. Unlike cars and motorcycles, you need to maintain the engines like buying oil, extra screws, etc. You don't even know if your car or motorcycle will be stolen later or tomorrow or will be smashed by envy persons somewhere there! At least when commuting, just pay the driver and go. And a little bit of a walk when you're not in the right spot to where you want to go.




C O M M U T E?


CNN: NASA reports 10 months from now, earth gets hotter 4 DEGREES CELSIUS!

While I was checking on my facebook, a friend of mine texted this message about the CNN reporting that the NASA said that the earth will increase it's temperature of 4 degrees celsius hot. I was like "No doubt that the earth will get hotter."

By observing people, you can easily see that "we" are the one's destroying earth. People just don't care about the garbages they're throwing everywhere! Well I admit that I kept throwing garbages like candy plastics on the street when I was a high school student. At that time, I realized how stubborn we are at cleanliness.

Are we really that stubborn? Maybe not.

I know some people who really are fond of cleaning and who are CLEAN. I'm not saying that most of us are dirty, but what I meant is that some of them are totally clean. As if they are like the janitor fish who cleans every minute! But yeah I'm not that kind of person, so what then?

But let me tell you guys, keep practicing in throwing garbages properly. Try to dispose them properly. Don't just throw your garbage in the trash can like in a basketball game. Hey, I tried that many times! Whenever I shoot a piece of paper in a trash can, I always think that I would make a point. But no, it didn't even hit the trash can. So I just let the janitor do the work, or whoever wants to clean that up. I know almost all of us are like that but please guys, let's be gentle to Earth. The Earth loves us, then let's love her too ^_^ !

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