Saturday, January 1, 2011

The last day of my Christmas and New Year vacation! I don't want to go to school or university! :(

I am so worried about tomorrow! I feel like reversing the time and want to have another 1 week and 2 days vacation! I don't want to go to school. Reason? My stupid grades! I don't want to see them! Errr it is so irritating! I expect it to be low as hell. Why am I expecting too much? Its because my exams were pretty disappointing!! Arghhhhhhhh. I also don't want to see the results of my stupid exams. Why am I pissed because of the exams? Because I know what to answer but it is time consuming! Arrrrrgh. I hate it. I hate college life.

Some say that college life is better than high school life. I'd say NO to them because I prefer high school life! It is a little bit easy, relaxing, a bit thrilling, instructors are easy to approach, and etc. Unlike college, it's hard! I'm just trying to survive this madness of the university. They are like torturing our minds for some reasons! That's why I spent my time here in Pangasinan and Manila to have fun! FUN FUN FUN! And now here's the upcoming resuming classes. Ohhh so boring.

Sometimes I ask myself why the instructors give students hard quizzes or exams or seat works. Is that the only the student can master the subject? Oh hell no! Can you see how nursing students study? They just memorize! Do you think that they would remember everything that they had memorized in the past? Nooo, I don't think so! I had this instructor(one of the best instructor I had) who taught us LOGIC in class. We were talking about the memory of the brain. He said that, "If a person listens to a specific topic and asked him a question and he answered it correctly, that person would only remember 20% or 30% of what he listened about after 2 to 3 days." And yeah I think he's right because I had this sociology subject and I kept memorizing stuffs. We had a test and I got them all correct. After 3 or 4(I think) days, we had a surprise quiz. And that's all about the quiz that we had last 3 or 4 days. I just remembered those words that are fun to hear, easy to understand, and what I only knew about.

But try to open your eyes and see the real world. Some people are rich because they were born to have a wealthy family. They just start a business and then boom, they are rather rich or in a medium family(some businesses fail). Almost all of the students today are studying to have their degree and how about it? What if you got your degree and apply a job that is not within your degree? What if you finished nursing and got a job of being a waitress? But I'm not saying that if you finished your degree, you won't get a job related to your current degree. It's just that some companies are full of employees like computer designers. Isn't that unfair? A boy who just lives in a street who has no degree and got a job as a computer designer while you, as a boy, is studying to get a degree of being a designer and the company you wanted to apply was over in finding computer designers? See how unfair going to school is. It's like we're just going to school just for our friends. Admit it to yourself. Of course 40% of your decision is you want to go to school to learn. And if you're in school you realize that you're not learning anything but the basics. Some teacher say that you need to go to high school so that you will be using the lessons you have learned in college. But then why are students still taking the same subjects like chemistry and physics? Sigh.

Hey to those who loves to go to school, I'm not being to negative about going to school or university. I'm just pointing out the disadvantages and uselessness of going to school or university. And these are just my opinions. I love to go to the university but hey, is that worth our money we're paying for it? Ask yourself why you're going to school. I asked myself and I answered it too. It is because of our degree. The instructors are teaching us something that they're also memorizing. Don't assume that they know everything because they're also students like us who keeps memorizing their topics so that they will know what to teach us STUDENTS. Besides, if I think of a school or university, I think of investment. Do you think that the president of the university cares of each student? I'm studying in a university which is a catholic university. Their occupied land is tax-free! And guess what, the university got lame 1980's instruments and equipment. Cool isn't it? Not. The president didn't even suspend class while a typhoon hits our place. He just suspended the class when the typhoon was out of the area.

That's why I don't want to go back to school! Argh.

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