Thursday, December 30, 2010

CNN: NASA reports 10 months from now, earth gets hotter 4 DEGREES CELSIUS!

While I was checking on my facebook, a friend of mine texted this message about the CNN reporting that the NASA said that the earth will increase it's temperature of 4 degrees celsius hot. I was like "No doubt that the earth will get hotter."

By observing people, you can easily see that "we" are the one's destroying earth. People just don't care about the garbages they're throwing everywhere! Well I admit that I kept throwing garbages like candy plastics on the street when I was a high school student. At that time, I realized how stubborn we are at cleanliness.

Are we really that stubborn? Maybe not.

I know some people who really are fond of cleaning and who are CLEAN. I'm not saying that most of us are dirty, but what I meant is that some of them are totally clean. As if they are like the janitor fish who cleans every minute! But yeah I'm not that kind of person, so what then?

But let me tell you guys, keep practicing in throwing garbages properly. Try to dispose them properly. Don't just throw your garbage in the trash can like in a basketball game. Hey, I tried that many times! Whenever I shoot a piece of paper in a trash can, I always think that I would make a point. But no, it didn't even hit the trash can. So I just let the janitor do the work, or whoever wants to clean that up. I know almost all of us are like that but please guys, let's be gentle to Earth. The Earth loves us, then let's love her too ^_^ !

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