Sunday, May 1, 2011

U.S. Officials announced that Osama Bin Laden is Dead

After a long time of finding this criminal who planned and was successful in destroying the World Trade Center on September 11 2001, he was then killed in Pakistan. US officials says that they have his body.

He was a man of fortune because of his parents. His dad I think was a businessman. They say his family was a billionaire and Osama used the wealth of his parents to finance Al Qaeda to win their holy war against the United States of America. Because of him, 3000+ people had died in the 9/11 incident. Even the actress in the movie "Matrix" had died!

Is he really dead or not? Well if he really is, the Muslim nation might seek revenge against Americans. And if they did not, well probably Osama is still there having his face to be changed. I heard George Bush told the people that Osama was dead last 4 years I think. Then what a surprise, another news of telling the world that he's DEAD. Well we don't really know if its him or not.

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