Friday, April 10, 2015

The President’s New Year Message 2015

Dear Louisians,

Trusting in the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, we look back to 2014 with gratitude for all that was and we look forward to 2015 for all that will be with hope.

The year 2014 at SLU was marked with bold innovations that included SLU’s major initiative to push for academic calendar change, as one viable step towards the integration Philippine HEIs in the ASEAN educational region.  Another requirement for the said cross-national integration of educational systems was the Outcomes-based Education (OBE) model, which was successfully launched in SLU and is soon going to be completed in 2015.  Also, to complement SLU’s tradition of academic excellence through commendable board examination performances, new forms of cooperation were established with some Southeast Asian counterparts, aiming at the increase of opportunities for both faculty and students.

Finally, as the motto of the university’s foundation week concisely expressed it, working as one academic community means to love and to serve in the CICM way:  Amare et Servire. And if there is one event which the Catholic faithful of our nation are looking forward to, it is the upcoming visit of His Holiness Pope Francis. I believe that the motto Amare et Servire wonderfully summarizes the attitude and spirituality of the Pope and succinctly resonates with His Holiness’ Mercy and Compassion leadership example. I therefore encourage all of you to follow the upcoming events as we welcome Pope Francis to our land.

I pray for a happy and rewarding 2015 to all of us, under God’s blessing and guidance!


Check it out on: Saint Louis University Main Website

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