Sunday, May 8, 2011

Manny Pacman Pacquiao won by unanimous decision, a fight between him and Shane Mosley

Almost 6000 people in the stadium watched the fight between Manny Pacquiao and Shane Mosley.

Manny Pacman Pacquiao after his victory

In the 3rd round, Manny knocked down Mosley by a down-right left combination. Manny was pushed on the 10th round and a lot of people thought that Manny was knocked down by Mosley. The camera slow mowed the video to verify if Manny was really knocked down and then determined that he really was not knocked. After the 3rd round, Manny said that he was surprised that Mosley was not fighting back anymore but instead dodge Manny's punches.

After the 10th round, Manny got on to his nerves and he became more furious as if it was Hatton who he's fighting. But Manny never got the chance to knock Mosley down within 11th and 12th round.

The first person who Manny searched was his wife, Jinky Pacquiao. After a moment, Manny told his friends and coach that after 3rd round, he had cramps on his left foot. That is why he wasn't able to concentrate much on the 4th up to the 9th round.

Mosley told to the people that he also had cramps. And he admitted that the strongest punch he ever encountered was Manny's punch in history. Mosley is a kind man and he congratulated Manny as a real winner of the fight between them.

Marquez was also watching. According to them, he was watching Manny's moves so that he would know what would he do to defeat Manny.

When Manny Pacquiao was interviewed. The reporter asked him, "How was the fight? What happened to your foot? Is it related to your training?".

"The fight was okay. About my foot, well I never thought that this would come back. After all I never done so much of exercise using my feet. I thought my exercise was enough. And it was really hard exercising when you stop for a long time.", Manny replied.

Manny's children were very proud of him and to his victory. They were also watching Manny as he is fighting Mosley. Her mother, Dionisia, kept praying that Manny will be alright and will win. Dionisia wanted to tell something to Manny after the fight. She wanted to tell him to stop and retire from boxing, but she never had a chance talking to him after the fight. She will just wait, she said.

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