Saturday, April 30, 2011

CNN: Justices debate over Global Warming

The whole problem of global warming are those companies producing greenhouse-gas which contribute to Global Warming. Apparently, the ones who are blamed for this effects are those companies all around the world who produce the greenhouse-gas. I believe that some of us wonder why oil companies still sell gas such as petroleum and diesel to vehicles since the CO2 from vehicles contributes to Global Warming.

The picture above shows factories that have been polluting air since the beginning of the Industrial Age. I have no one to blame why humans used factories to make life easy but are there any humans that can create the right CURE for this mistake?

Especially for those RICH guys who have lots of cars, emitting more gas! Come on guys why not just release the HYDROGEN gas which can relieve the pain of the atmosphere? I heard that HYDROGEN GAS for cars were invented but never it was showed to public because the oil companies will be at risk. Of course why use OIL when we can use WATER as gas for cars?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

KARMA is real ... i think ...

Hey guys I just want to share a happening in my past time life. I was just thinking right now to share what happened.

This happened long time ago and it was so funny how it happened. It was afternoon that day when I was walking down a street. I saw a lot of riders with their big bikes roaring so sweet like I want to ride one!

I was on the sidewalk taking a picture of them parking, exhibiting, etc. They were totally cool except for 1. And that guy was totally nuts like he thinks he's the boss of the street! He even swore at my camera while I was taking a video of him exhibiting telling "FUCK YOU" to me. I was like "what the heck's wrong with that guy?!?!?!" ... Another rider came and was sorry for his friend. He also told me that the other guys were also irritated to that stupid guy who just swore at me. I love taking pictures of them because Im also riding a motorcycle but not that big.

After that I walked away ... and I saw then again after 5 minutes while walking. I saw that freakin guy who just swore at me exhibiting in the road. I was like "okay who cares" ... he was so weird because while exhibiting, he was also shouting!

And after that here's what happened haha ... while he was doing a wheelie, a van in front of him suddenly stopped because a little kid from another street lost control of his ball and it came in front of the van. Then that stupid guy was like "BOOOMMMM!!!" hahahahaha! I was so laughing because he stood as if nothing happened! LOOOOOOL! Then this is what I did, i came in front of him taking a video! And he was like swearing again haha. I told him "WHATEVER LOSER" ... of course he would do nothing because Im just a kid! LOL

So guys over there be careful of yourselves! As much as possible, don't brag! DON'T BRAG! What goes around comes around. :)) . Thats all folks!

what im doin right in nowww..

the "thing" im doing right now is sitting in front of the computer and doing nothing! that's why im here posting a blog of me doing nothing! i just kept my winamp ON so that the room aint that boring because its too quite when i just came from school lately. I also have this electric fan of mine i turned on. I just wana feel colddddd... i just finished doing my assignment. and its exams week!!! aw.. i hate it.. i dont want to memorize stuffs, but when it comes to math BRING IT ON!.. well i think this is enough :P

Friday, April 22, 2011

Japanese government needs emergency budget, a disaster relief budget

The Japanese government really need 4 trillion yen fast(as a relief budget due to the recent tsunami and earthquake).

Please help them guys! They really need it so badly! To those people who are so rich that they do not know what to do with their money, just give it to them as a charity!

If I only had billions, I would give 30% percent of my money to charities.

AJ Perez Death

A lot of people are sad because of AJ Perez's death last week. He was just an 18 year old guy who just went to Dagupan going back to Manila after finishing his shooting. I actually do not know who he really was. I just knew when I saw his face and I was like "Hey, this guy's on TV!". Some of my friends(girls) said "sayang gwapo pa naman". Oh well thats life.

But the thing is, why did the driver of the van overtook a vehicle longer than his vehicle? I'm not saying that the driver's fault, but why? I experienced driving and I never wanted to overtake vehicles which are longer than mine. Or maybe overtake a vehicle to which another vehicle in front of me is running at 100 miles per kilometer. NO! So yeah I was shocked of what happened.

Condolence to his family ... May his soul rest in peace.

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